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Week Commencing 21 June 2021.

Writer: JoanneJoanne

Updated: Jun 28, 2021

Monday - I started my week with a lovely visit from my friend Gina.

Gina stopped for a few hours and we reminisced on old times, we chatted about mistakes that we have made through life, I actually giggled as Gina left that our meetings sometimes are like a counselling session, we chat about life and everything seems to make sense when you say them out loud!

However what does become apparent is that we are both strong women with what we have been through in life, life has sometimes kicked us down at points of our life, but we have got back up!!

Gina, I love you dearly.. You are one of the strongest women I genuinely know.. You are beautiful inside and out and I'm very proud to call you my friend and so pleased we have found each other again..

I look forward to seeing you for our next counselling session soon.. #truefriendship

Tuesday - Natalie & Lillie..

Natalie & Lillie arrived about 10.30am, Natalie is a colleague & friend from Pandora, and it was the first time I was going to meet Lillie, the new addition to the Meredith family and oh my..... this little girl has melted my heart and Britney & Paris' for that matter.

Lillie is not just beautiful but the beaming smile she gives every time you look at her, just adorable and makes me quite broody again....(Phil don't worry.. we will enjoy the grandchildren)

Natalie, I loved seeing you and I look forward to working with you again very soon...(don't you dare ask me a price of a charm) & before we know it we will be preparing for Christmas at Pandora!!!

Thank you so much for the flowers Natalie too.. they were just beautiful.. from Acorn Florist In Hednesford.

Today I also received a call from The Royal Derby Hospital, asking if I will go in tomorrow, for a New Patient Assessment for my Radiotherapy and also booked in for Friday for a CT Scan, the CT Scan is to pin point where my Radiotherapy is going to be given.

My Breast Cancer was on the left side, so I am sure they are also going to advise on the breathing technique I am going to have to do, to protect my heart during Radiotherapy.


I dropped Pixie off at the childminders, Pixie really didn't want to go to school again this morning, they are having some tests this week and Pixie already finds school difficult, so this week is proving to be hard.. I do feel for her.

I am also dreading my drive to Derby...over the years I don't really ever drive anywhere over 10 miles away!!! I drive to work which is 7 minutes away, my parents house or the supermarket and that's as much as I do.. Phil does all the driving.

However this is a fear I must battle after all, I will be driving there every day come the end of July for my Radiotherapy.

I think the fear is also that I have to do this on my own due to your loved ones cannot accompany you in the hospital for treatment, they could accompany you for the journey but who wants to sit in the car for hours waiting??

I left the house at 12 noon and Paris decided to come for the drive, which was lovely to have some company.Paris came into the Hospital when we arrived, quite funny us two trying to find where we had to go, the hospital is hugeeee!!!!

I met Ayisha, who advised me of what to expect over the next few weeks, and gave me more details on the radiotherapy, the procedure,and the side effects.

I was given a booklet on Radiotherapy, a booklet on Anastrozole (Hormone Blockers) and a leaflet on what to expect on my CT Scan on Friday.


I drove to Burton for my blood appointment, I was booked in for 09.35am, so I made my way as soon as I had dropped Pixie off at the childminders.

The traffic was busy this morning, I didn't particularly like the journey to Burton, too many lorries around for my liking..

On the way home I decided to stop on the A38 to Sutton so that I could go and visit my Dad, as it was his birthday, he was 71 today!!

On my return home, I had a facetime call from my long time friend Paula, its Paula's Birthday tomorrow and she had called me to thank me for the flowers that I had sent her, I hope you had a great day Paula.


I once again travelled down the A38 to The Royal Derby Hospital, my appointment was at 2.45 so quite late in the day.

Britney came with me today for the journey, which was lovely.. can't beat having company on these trips.

Today I was having a CT Scan for the planning of my Radiotherapy, which I was slightly apprehensive about as I knew I would be having to do a breathing technique, which will eventually help protect my heart when I receive radiotherapy, I also understood that I was having my tattoos today too, to mark where I will be receiving the radiotherapy treatment.

I was met at the hospital by Verity who gave me a gown to put on, and told me that I could keep my bottom half of my clothing on. Verity then introduced me to Katie & Theresa in the CT Scan room which was pink lit and quite calming.

Katie explained everything to me in detail so I knew what to expect, she explained how they would leave the room, the noises that the machine would make and reassured me that at anytime I needed to move.. or had to breathe at the wrong time it wasn't a problem and that it takes as long as it does to get it right as the measurements have to be 100% correct.

Katie also advised me that in the last week they now have a new machine that measures your breathing, and takes measurements, so no need for tattoo's which is brilliant news!! These tattoo's are only the size of a pinhead however, I believe if you have them, you know that they are there.

I lay down on the CT Scan bed and Katie & staff made sure I was comfortable, the machine started and I moved in and out of the machine as it did what it had to do, and then I had to on numerous occasions take a big breath in and hold for 20 seconds, this is harder than you think when your undergoing chemo treatment, I am so out of breath all of the time lately.

The whole encounter was about 25 minutes, and then I was given my paperwork to read, and my date for my radiotherapy which is the 28 July 2021..

I would like to thank the staff for reassuring me throughout the CT scan experience, you are amazing!

Mel also contacted me today from Burton Hospital to advise that my bloods were all ok, they were showing I was slightly anaemic, but nothing to worry about, and after going through the checklist of side effects and how I've been after the chemo, they have decided to reduce my chemo to 80%, so I am really hoping I am not as poorly as I've been with the other two, fingers crossed!

Saturday & Sunday

It was a busy weekend in the Wallbank Household, we had to have a new boiler fitted and a new flue fitted on the roof too!! and as you might guess there's only one man for the job and that's Phil, although we did have a qualified Gas fitter to install the boiler! but all the other work that needed to be done around the boiler Phil has done, as he likes things just right...

We had the shopping delivered this morning, as I am not allowed to shop due to my blood cells being so low during covid & the chemotherapy.The delivery driver greeted me by my name as I opened the door, which was a first and I thought what a polite driver.. and then as I put the shopping in the kitchen he asked me "are you Ian Orton's sister" ? he knew me and Phil back from 20/25 years ago.. It was so lovely to see you Mark, it made our day seeing you.

My parents visited on Saturday, once again another Manor House cake demolished.. I changed over my moms car insurance and tax online as she is going to eventually try and drive my Grandads car, bless her, I hope she conquers her fears and Grandad will definitely be watching down wondering what the hell has happened to his steering wheel with the diamonte bling cover on..

Scarlett was also here today and insisted on everyone colouring, even Grandad Fish did some colourig!

Ben & Scarlett spent most of the weekend here and did Scarlett keep me busy?.. well busy with me feeding her.. I've never known a child eat so much!


Scarlett giggled about my hair, she has made it quite clear that she doesn't like Nanny Jo without hair.. but I told her I have a tiny bit of hair and she said she would count them.. at first it was between 1 & 2.. but then she told me I have 169!!! god love her.

Phil's Mom & Dad also popped in today, which was lovely, they had been for dinner at The Dog in Nether Whitacre, they do an amazing Sunday lunch.

Mom & Dad sorted out some of their photos on the hard drive and we chatted about the week ahead.

It was so lovely to see them..

So my weekend was busy seeing our family, which was so lovely as the next few weeks will be out of bounds.



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